How digital channels can assist the financially vulnerable
Finance providers have had two-and-a-half years to ensure they have processes and systems in place to help those who might be deemed as financially vulnerable.
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Finance providers have had two-and-a-half years to ensure they have processes and systems in place to help those who might be deemed as financially vulnerable.
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Your finance experience could help your automotive brand stand out in an increasingly crowded market. Here’s how.
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The motor finance operating environment is changing rapidly. Indeed, the entire sector is on the cusp of a revolution when it comes to the methods that people are using to choose and to finance their new vehicle, be it brand new, or used. Until relatively recently, the main route for most private customers was to […]
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The automotive market is in the midst of a seismic shake-up. How can lenders and other key players in the sector respond?
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Building societies are often seen as much more community-focused than their banking counterparts. They are often “local” to the geographical area that they serve, sometimes with just a handful of branches covering a specific patch, and their customers may be referred to as “members”. Indeed, nearly three quarters of members agree that building societies are […]
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